Sairam has more than a decade of experience practising corporate/commercial law, with a particular focus on technology and data privacy law in both transactional and advisory roles. He has acted as corporate counsel for Fortune 500 companies, assisting them with traditional and emerging technology-related legal issues. Sairam’s experience includes structuring and negotiating complex technology transactions involving large-scale outsourcing, strategic partnerships, software licensing, managed services, and non-linear delivery models involving the SMAC stack (social, mobility, analytics, and cloud). Additionally, he has experience helping clients navigate regulatory compliance in data privacy, anti-spam, and access to information laws.
Sairam is fluent in Malayalam and Tamil.
Sairam has written on technology and data privacy laws and regulations for Canadian and foreign legal publications such as The Lawyer’s Daily, CBA National magazine, and Bar & Bench.
Sairam is an executive of the Information Technology & Intellectual Property Law Section and the Privacy & Access to Information Law Section of the Ontario Bar Association. He is also a member of the Canadian Technology Law Association, the Canadian Bar Association, and the South Asian Bar Association.