2 novembre 2017 •
17:00 - 18:00 EDT
Converging Approaches of Delaware and Canadian Courts in M&A Litigation
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The U.S. courts are deferring to the business judgment of directors in M&A transactions that have been properly approved by shareholders. This deference is making it more difficult for investors to advance post-closing damages claims. The net effect? Declining M&A litigation in the U.S., and alignment with the Canadian courts' approach to reviewing M&A transactions.
In this one-hour briefing, partners John Emanoilidis, Andrew Gray and Mile T. Kurta will address:
- the recent Corwin decision and its aftermath;
- the Canadian approach to deal reviews in M&A litigation; and
- the impact on deal making and the importance of disclosure.
For more information or to register, click here.
Event Speakers